Brooks & District
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Pediatric Syringe Pumps

2 pediatric syringe pumps were purchased by the AHPF for the Brooks Health Centre. These syringe pumps are able to be attached to the current IV pumps at the hospital and are specifically used in pediatric patients as they are able to deliver highly accurate doses for especially light weight patients.

Using these pumps, health care professionals can easily calculate and then deliver fluids and medications using patient weight without having to do calculations by hand. This frees up time for staff and ensures patient safety, which improves care for the children.

Since kids tend to receive smaller amounts of fluids, the syringe pumps are designed to deliver lower flow rates more efficiently. Overall, these syringe pumps improve care for the pediatrics at the Brooks Health Centre.

Pediatric Intubation Blades

Intubation is the process of inserting a tube though the mouth or nose, then down their trachea. This keeps the trachea open so air can pass through. This tube connects to a machine that delivers oxygen.

Pediatric patients have very little room to open the airways, and have more delicate tissues, because of this it is important to select a blade that is well suited to the job. These new pediatric intubation blades are well suited for for safely intubating pediatrics.

Root BP Machine

This high sensitivity oxygen saturation monitor was purchased through the AHPF for the Brooks Health Centre Emergency Department. This machine detects levels of oxygen in the blood. Oxygen levels in children can sometimes be difficult to read because of their size and excess movement. This machine will allow for more accurate readings in our pediatric population.
Portable Ultrasound Machine

This machine was purchased by the AHPF and will be used primarily in the emergency department and throughout the hospital as needed. This machine will allow for improved ultrasound picture quality for both children and adults at our local hospital.
Go Talk

The AHPF has purchased 2 Go Talks for speech, language, & hearing services at the Brooks Health Centre! Go Talks are speech generating devices that turn pictures into words, giving a voice to those with little to no speech abilities.