Brooks & District
Health Foundation Sharing • Caring
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Brickly Bears

The Brooks & District Health Foundation is happy to announce its ‘Comfort Bear’ partnership with The Brick featuring their national Brickly Bear Campaign! You can get your Brickly Bear in store at the Brick, at their kiosks at Brooks Bombers games, and during sponsor night at Brooks Bandits games.

Brickly Bears are $20 (plus GST) and proceeds go to the Children’s Miracle Network. If you don’t need another bear at home, you can donate to a loving home through the Brooks & District Health Foundation’s ‘Comfort Bear’ program at the Brooks Health Centre. This program supplies bears to support patients during ER/EMS visits.

This is a WIN-WIN-WIN partnership, together we can truly make a difference!

Bears in image are the surgeon in training Brickly Bears (outfits are subject to change monthly)