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Aarit Hok Pediatric Foundation

Aarit Hok Pediatric Fund (AHPF) is a  legacy fund under the Brooks & District Health  Foundation  specified for the needs of pediatrics at the Brooks Health Centre. It  prioritizes for the needs of the emergency department and also assists all  aspects of the hospital in regards to pediatric needs and care. This fund was  created by Aarit’s parents in memory of their sweet angel, Aarit Christian Hok. 


To date the fund has purchased infusion pumps (2), blood pressure monitors, oxygen monitor, ventilator  attachments, and specialized intubation equipment. Continuing discussions are being have with the doctors and nurses at the Brooks Health Centre to continue  to purchase equipment that will benefit pediatric care. 


The  outpouring of support from our community  for the AHPF is making an enormous impact. Aarit was a true representation of living life with pure love and joy. The Aarit Hok Pediatric Fund is Aarit’s family’s way of allowing Aarit’s love and joy continue to grow. 

Message from the family:

Aarit was a true representation of  pure love and joy. He was loved by so many and also loved many. If you had the  blessing of meeting Aarit you know exactly what I am talking about. He always  had a smile on his face and had a contagious laugh. Aarit taught us many life  lessons, but most importantly he has taught us how to love hard. This is why we  felt Aarit’s legacy fund had to be created. The fund allows for Aarit’s love  and joy to continue to spread. 


On  August 4th, 2022 our life was changed forever. Aarit passed away suddenly and  tragically after contracting a rare and very aggressive strain of E-Coli. The  staff on duty at the hospital were very experienced and knowledgeable that day. They did absolutely everything they could to try and save him. However, flaws  and absent tools/equipment in the emergency department were apparent to  us. 


You  never think that your child is going to need advanced medical care (we never  thought ours would), but if they do you want your hospital to be fully equipped and prepared. Our goal with the AHPF is that the Brooks Health Centre will have  all the necessary tools and equipment for proper pediatric care in the case of  an emergency.


We  would like to thank each and every one of you for supporting our family and  Aarit’s fund. Together we are truly making a difference. We know that he is  very proud.